Brundibar - The Musical!

Maurice Sendak, you old trickster. How do you keep getting into the news left and right? First I reported not too long ago that Where the Wild Things Are is getting turned into a full-length feature film (if anyone can name a single picture book that has resulted in a GOOD full-length feature film, I'll send you a cookie). Now you've finagled another showing of Brundibar for public consumption.
Here's what I found odd about the article, though. And I quote:
Based on Aristophanes's Lysistrata, Brundibar was first composed in 1938 by Hans Krasa and Adolf Hoffmeister for a competition being run by the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Education.
Lysistrata??? Really? Really really?
I'm baffled. Can anyone else figure out what the connection is?
Well the book hasn't any connection to Lysistrata that I can find. I think you're on the right track with the anti-war idea. But plenty of books and plays have been anti-war. Why on earth did they invoke the dirtiest play of them all? So very very odd...
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