Hot Men of Children's Literature: Part 17 In a Series
In response to my mother's request that I do some fellas who are not simply nubile young 'uns, this week's Hot Man is more of the adult-crossover variety. What with his children's book being turned into a film and the fact that, according to all accounts, he's a pretty nice guy, I introduce you to today's man of the hour...
He has a rather nice website and legions of fans to boot. And I like his books, which is the real indication of quality here. No hot man gets on this list if I don't like their books. Bar none.
I was friendly with his son, Scott, for a time and have actually been in the same room with Carl. He's got a handsome baby face that makes him look much, much younger. Yummy.
Yeah. Usually I don't go for the baby-face types. I'm more into the looks-like-they-contracting-some-form-of-wasting-disease types. But I am open minded about all kinds of Hot Men. Big, small, bring 'em on. We're equal opportunity here.
I'm with your mom, Fuse (though hopefully, still younger than she is!) I like the older dudes. Where's Shel?!?
Okay, I've thoroughly browsed your hot guys links as yet another way to avoid getting to work. I like that you feature such a diverse group, and have a couple of suggestions to broaden the cultural representation on your list: David Yoo (author of "Girls For Breakfast" and Raul Colón (illustrator of Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman with a Great Big Heart). Is it right for a middle-aged Mom of twins and minister's wife to be perusing the hot guys of kid lit? Can I post this anonymously? Ohhhhh nooooooooooo! I hit "poooooost!" It's tooooo laaaaaate.
hee hee.
Raul Colon's hot, eh? That's good to know. I'm a fan of his work and I always need more hot men for Ye Olde List. I'm not familiar with this David Yoo of whom you speak, but I'll give him a look-see when I get a chance. Many thanks for the suggestions.
Where oh Where is Christopher Paul Curtis-totally hot!
I did Christopher Paul Curtis just last week. Check out my links on the right hand side of the page if you don't believe me. I showed his legs and everything.
I think that Carl Hiaasen is an excelent author and has a very creative mind.He also has a great sense of humor. I highly recommend Skinny Dip.
Have not read Skinny Dip, but several others. Excellent writer, lots going on, very funny.
Wonderful imagination.
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