Fuse #8

Monday, April 23, 2007

Me v. HP. Whee!

I know that there are a fair amount of authors here in the U.S. who, like Sian Pattenden, are facing publication of their novels alongside the last Harry Potter book. My heart goes out to you, even as my peepers peruse Rowling's latest and last. What can you possibly do about it though? Fight the phenomenon? Perhaps not, but consider taking Ms. Pattenden's advice on the matter. In Me Vs. Harry Potter, the author considers everything from placards and period costumes to blackmail, murder, and blogging so as to make her new book known. Good luck with all that, Sian dear.

I am sure that some of you will also be more interested in the newest Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie trailer up and running on Ye Olde Interweb. The cynic in me says it cannot be as good as it looks. The fangirl in me, however, has just clocked the cynic in me and is currently holding a press conference in my frontal lobe so as to declare her approval of every little detail of this trailer. I, in the meantime, am going to take a nap and wait for my inner cynic to recover.

Thanks to The Longstockings for link number one and Cinematical for link number two.

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At 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not having seen the trailers yet, my biggest fear is what's been left out--it's the longest book of the series, yet the shortest film! Still excited to see it, though.

At 11:00 AM , Blogger Lindsey said...

Great post, fuse! It would be frustrating to be a competing author. I can't believe they are releasing another trailer. This is a different one? How many do we need. If I was releasing this movie, I wouldn't spend any time or effort on trailers. Everyone's already going to see this movie anyway, and if they aren't, no trailer will convince them otherwise.

At 11:27 AM , Blogger fusenumber8 said...

Actually, I do like this trailer. The director has decided to get a little creative here and there, so the image of Voldemort standing on the train platform in a Brooks Brothers suit ("you're gonna like the way you look") raised my hopes significantly.

At 5:50 PM , Blogger Lindsey said...

Wow, you're right. I am posting this today.


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