Proud to be a librarian where at least I know I'm free (to buy stuff)

So I'm attending a Child_Lit dinner the other day and I see that one Ms. Ulric has a handbag with the image sampled here with this post. And I WANT one. I want one bad. Turns out, she sells t-shirts, bags, baby bibs, the whole enchilada on her website and the proceeds go to various free speech causes. I don't care if the money goes to supporting violent kitten eaters, though. I just want the bag. It then occurs to me that other people might want one too. I mean, those librarians amongst you who fell under Ashcroft's all-consuming diatribe might wish to display your new title with distinction. What better way than through a hoodie sweatshirt? Now you can get some that say, "Proud To Be a Radical Militant Librarian" or they can say, "Support Your Radical Militant Librarian". It all depends on how modest you are. And if you read this blog regularly, you can guess which one I'll personally go with.
I order birthday gifts for you, and four hours later you post what you want. Coincidence? -- battered rams
Sorry, mom. I've thought about posting this for a week or two now. Ah, to be able to give up my uniquely useless psychic gifts.
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