This Could Be You!
Some of you missed the Jackie Woodson speaking event just this past Thursday for a variety of reasons. You either do not live in New York (perhaps the most likely), or you were celebrating Passover, or you were lazy and didn't want to come down. For those of you in the third category I have good news. You have a chance to redeem yourself. See, look here...

That person in the white shirt on the left? That could be you. And that person on the right who just happens to be Jackie Woodson? Well that could be Bruce Degan, illustrator of The Magic School Bus books who will be speaking at the Donnell Library on Thursday, April 20th from 6-8. So if you've a child who adores Magic School Bus (and honestly, who doesn't?) or you just want to meet an illustrator for fun, come on down on that day.
Oh, and some people wondered how Jackie was. She was faa-bulous. Very shy too. I got the feeling that public speaking did not come naturally to her. But she had great notes, read stirring passages of her own work, and basically (as you can see from the above photo) is hip as all get out. And at least one person at the event had heard about it through my blog. Woo-hoo!
If only for a Magic Schoolbus that could get us from western Canada to Manhattan in a few minutes! What great fun...hope lots of families take advantage of the opportunity.
It's good to hear of a well-respected, insightful kiddie lit writer struggling with the whole public speaking thing.
How come we expect a write not only to be a kick-butt write, but also able to do standup about the process of being a kick-butt write?
Platform, presence, speaker allure, aieee!
Mark Twain has a lot to answer for, in my opinion.
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