Fuse #8

Friday, September 29, 2006

Ouch! The Radiance. I Can't Hardly See.

Ah, old filmstrips. Who doesn't like old filmstrips? The problem with watching today's link is that I keep expecting three little MST3K heads to pop up and mock the proceedings. I wonder, upon watching this, how many librarians were made to watch this while attending school for their MLIS. When I was in library school we watched Party Girl and Desk Set. You could do worse, as shown here.

Ten points if you can identify the book the children are reading.

And watching this, I think there's one thing we can all agree on. Librarians are incredibly unattractive people. Except that hospital librarian. Hubba hubba.

Thanks to Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast for the link.


At 5:11 AM , Blogger Monica Edinger said...

That ain't no filmstrip, but a creaky old educational film. For all you post-baby-boomers: film strips were sort of like early Powerpoint while films were sort of like youtube.

As for this delightful tidbit, any wonder I wasn't inspired to become a librarian as those in the film strongly resemble those I grew up with?

At 10:10 AM , Blogger fusenumber8 said...

Emphasis on the creak. I didn't know that the term "filmstrip" didn't apply to those of the educational variety. My bad.


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