Save the Pacific Tree Octopus

I'm not the kind of person who likes to promote a personal cause on a professional website, but if there's any day to tell you about this it's today. I'm a proud member of Cephalopod Preservation Society and this year it's more crucial than ever to educate people on the very real plight of these beautiful and exquisitely rare creatures. If you have any pity in your hearts, please go to the website below and contribute generously and become a Friend of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus (FOTPNWTO).
April Fools Joke????
You're darn tooting it's an April Fools joke! Sometimes I need to teach kids and teens that Google, for all its charms, is not God. So I take them to convincingly fake websites. For a bit of fun, try Googling "lake michigan whales" and go to the first site that comes up. It's another one of my favorites. This one gets points for the fake tree octopus Harper's Weeklyesque magazine cover it came up with. A site that deserves my devotion.
Reminds me of the famous BBC "spaghetti tree" April Fools Joke. Thanks for the laugh.
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