Consider these three little items too small to warrant their own separate posts. I just discovered that The Toothpaste Millionaire, for years beholden to a crappy ancient cover, has finally been reissued with a new look. Observe:

Place this one in the It's About Bloody Time file.
In other news, I'm in the New York Times . . . . . . obliquely on the review page for the book Deadly Invaders (I'm found under "Read a review"). Hey, man. Beggers can't be choosers. Watch now as I make a headfirst lunge at their Sunday book review section.
And finally, the Forbes list of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities was announced this week. Wave hello to Dr. Suess and J.R.R. Tolkein. You can't take it with you, and you can't stop it from pouring in once you're gone.
On the subject of the Sunday Book Review in the NY Times: when you have the editor by the ear will you ask him why the children's section appears at best every other Sunday? As Fall and Spring lists roll out it's even less frequent...as if they're hoarding the reviews for the "special" children's sections. Even the Chicago Tribune can manage a children's section once a week!
Or do you already know the answer to this?
Sigh. It's money, isn't it?
That's my vote. When I got the Sunday Times it always bugged me too. Now I don't and I've found the irritation far less. A mixed blessing.
Wave hello to Charles Schulz too!
And I am clueless as to how Einstein is making so much money these days. I didn't think he made all that much while alive, but then I've never really looked into it.
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