Because Hobbits Would Live In A Gated Community If They Could, Right?
The Shire is unique, fearlessly created to the vision of developer Ron Meyers and a team of designers to help implement his vision. The Shire's homeowners will share this unique vision to have their community and primary residence beyond the ordinary incorporated with the values and charms of a different age.I like that the word "unique" appeared here twice, and yet what we're basically talking about are American visions of what old English cottages should be. For a good chill up the old spine, definitely give The Shire a turn.
Yeah. It kinda makes you wonder what this unnamed "new age material" is. I'm going to go with sage and quartz crystals. Those would be considered "New Age", right?
What about hemp for the new age product? It probably wouldn't stand up to the rain, though.
Things I liked about The Shire:
1. "Old World Townhomes" (huh?)
2. The fact that they obviously cleared away all sorts of nasty trees to build this, because in the real shire, you know that's what they would have done.
3. The suit of armor -- no shire complete without it.
2. The fact that they obviously cleared away all sorts of nasty trees to build this, because in the real shire, you know that's what they would have done.
But that's exactly what "they" did - with a different "they", of course (Saruman and his cronies - in the book).
Yeah - because I'd so like to live in Saruman's Shire (not).
She's come to take me home, all right. In fact, I think I might be grounded.
Woah! That's what I get for not exploring the site closely. Man oh man, she is not happy with us.
And is it a bad thing that I keep misreading the company below as "Survivor Realty" rather than "Sunriver"? I'm not sure.
I keep flashing back to an episode of "Arrested Development" where Michael is discussing with George Michael whether or not the name "Sudden Valley" would make a good title for a housing community. "It makes me think of salad dressing... but I don't want to eat it".
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