Fuse #8

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Natives Are Getting Restless

It's not as hot as it was yesterday. However today I had to book it down 5th Avenue from 40th Street to 53rd in the hope that I would be able to waylay the large bookgroup of kids with whom I was going to provide some impromptu Mad Libs based on The Tale of Despereaux. And I had 15 minutes to get there. So it was hot and there were large groups of tourists who, short of linking elbows with one another, could not have blocked the sidewalks any more effectively. Classic New Yorker rant, I know. You're all playing the world's smallest violin for me aren't you?

Gentle Readers: Aw, poor baby. She couldn't make it from the kick ass library across the street from the Arts and Humanities Library with the cool lions to her doubly kick ass library with the original Winnie-the-Pooh. Let's all buy her a cupcake. Boo hoo hoo.

*sigh* Self-pity never gets a children's librarian anywhere. So instead I'll introduce you to this list on Analytical Knife as it gives a good feel for the state of New York today.


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