Fuse #8

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Testing Newfangled Stuffs

Lots of people have figured out how to post links from YouTube videos onto their blogs. And funny as it may sound, there just aren't a whole heckuva lot of YouTube children's book related videos out there. Odd, I know.

Still, I wanted to test the waters and find something suitable for my first YouTube link. I found the answer with the help of the good people of Random House. You may not know it, but some Random House employees (one of whom is a former Hot Man of Children's Literature) have created a band by the name of Mr. McGregor. Now that band has been touring the country (country = Winston-Salem) and have posted selected songs online. To this end, I am going to attempt to link to the least kiddie-lit appropriate of all these, "Joy of Sex". Let's see how it goes...


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