Fuse #8

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

How's My Jury Duty? It's Grand!

So I was a good doobie. I went in for my Grand Jury summons, prepped and ready to serve my 2 weeks. The fear was that I'd find myself on a 6 month Grand Jury, which happens from time to time in the state of New York. Fortunately, when I came in it was clear that everything was going to be pretty standard.

Now I've never won a lottery a day of my life. Why should this be important? Because so many people volunteered for the two available Grand Jury dates that they decided to pick names out of a hat to decide on who should stay and who should be PNN (Present Not Needed). I'll never win a prize pig in a raffle, but neither will I be off of work for 2 weeks. My name was never called. I'm a little sad since I've never served on a jury before and I wanted to see how it would work. I could have gotten some much needed reading done too. Then again, now I can search for good kidlit links during my lunch break again which is something I could not do from a jury room in lower Manhattan. You go with what you've got.

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At 11:01 AM , Blogger Saints and Spinners said...

PNN="Pants not needed." (See above blog post!)


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