Me and My March Hare Turned Doormouse
With me you get your news approximately 24-hours behind schedule. That's the fast-paced hard-hitting stride we strive for here at Fuse #8. So I'm sure you all found your daemons yesterday on the His Dark Materials site, but how many of you ended up as bunnies? I did. His name was Thalius and I was going to have this whole thing about how I'd have to fight my instinct to eat him. I was even going to work in a comment about Lee Scoresby. But unfortunately the link disappeared.
I was a mouse, too! Mine was named Erasmus, which I thought was pretty perfect.
Dude, mine is a gibbon named Tarquin. Yeah, a GOLDEN MONKEY!!! I just don't know what to make of that...
I turned out to be a hare called Ethalius - I think that is the one you had first.
Wait a minute.... now he's switched back.. What the.... ?
A colleague and I took the test at the same time yesterday afternoon. I got a wildcat (named Tamarak) and she got a spider. Given that I secretly think of her as my nemesis, I was rather pleased. (And my mother and my fiance took the test at the same time, too, and got a tiger and a jackal).
Oops, didn't mean to be anonymous.
Wildcat Tamarak=Sarah
Okay. Now it's a dog. I'm so confused.
I'm not sure what it is now. Is that a fox?
A fox! I'm a fox! I've always wanted a fox! Oh this is fantastic!!!! Best. Daemon. EVER!
Now to get over the fact that his name is half a bagel away from "Pollonius".
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