Animals That Should Get Their Own Children's Books - Part 2
I'm sure you're all very blase about your echidna knowledge.
Blah blah blah, it's a monotreme, blah blah blah it belongs to the Zaglossus genus. But did you know it could blow bubbles? Huh?

Dude, that's a shot that doesn't even need illustration. Just plop that puppy on the cover of a book and watch copies fly off the shelves. Thanks, as always, to BB-Blog.
No kidding, Fuse. That thing is BEAUTIFUL. I want one.
I'm quite fond of monotremes, actually. I blame Mr. Rogers and the Land-of-Make-Believe song about Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Ana, Ana, Ana).
Oh, my gosh! I can't explain why, but you just made my day!
And for added kid-lit marketability, the character called Knuckles in the Sonic and Tails video game is an echidna.
I have a great echidna story , though I never thought I would write those words. Years ago when I was at the National Zoo, I overheard the following:
Mom: What is that animal?
Annoyed Kid: Read the sign, mom. It's a short-nosed enchilada.
I still laugh about this. Glad to see the echidna is getting its day in the sun. Or on the blog. Or whatever.
That one was just for you, girl. I knew you'd love it. You have the same fondness for squinky animals as I do. :)
Thank you much. You know I appreciated it. "Squinky", by the way, is a fabulous word.
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