Fuse #8

Monday, October 29, 2007

Show #5: Literary Cafes and Creepified Booktalks

Literary Cafes and Creepified Booktalks

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00:00 - 3:38 (Opening)
3:38 - 6:20 (News of the Week)
6:20 - 13:18 (Booktalks - Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Eggs by Jerry Spinelli, and Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story of Brain Science by John Fleischman)
13:18 - 18:22 (The Donnell Literary Cafe - Preliminary Openings)
18:22 - 19:00 (Closing)

Intro by Haddon Givens Kime
Thanks to Dan Blank at School Library Journal for lending me their microphone.

For the RSS feed of this show, please use this site. This show is available through iTunes here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Show #4: Chicken Chasers and Rutger Tasers (not really)

Chicken Chasers and Rutger Tasers (not really)

00:00 - 5:45 (News)
5:46 - 10:54 (Weekly Review - The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County)
10:55 - 13:58 (The Kidlit Blogosphere Conference & Gregory Pincus reading Rainbow Fish)
13:59 - 14:35 (Closing)

Intro by Haddon Givens Kime
Find Gregory's blog Gotta Book and check out his other Oddaptations.
Thanks to Dan Blank at School Library Journal for lending me their microphone.

For the RSS feed of this show, please use this site. This show is available through iTunes.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Show #3: Deep Dark Caves and Peculiar Truths

Deep Dark Caves and Peculiar Truths

00:00 - 3:51 (News)
3:52 - 7:35 (Weekly Review - Leepike Ridge)
7:36 - 11:22 (Dreadful Lies and Peculiar Truths - A selection from a PEN panel)
11:22 - 11:55 (Closing)

Intro by Haddon Givens Kime
Nominate books for the Cybil Awards here.
The MotherReader best books list is found here.
Thanks to PEN for permission to use a selection from their podcast. You can hear the full text of the podcast here.
Thanks to Dan Blank at School Library Journal for lending me their microphone

For the RSS feed of this show, please use this site. This show is available through iTunes.